Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Power of a Flowering Plant

Lavender and its gorgeous color, smell and power to heal. Used by ancient Greeks and during Roman times, this wonderful plant can contribute to a range of uses on our daily life; from the kitchen to the medicine cabinet. Cultivated all over the world, is also considered the premier of all perfume. The properties of Lavender include antibacterial, analgesic, antitoxic, deodorant, diuretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and even antidepressant!

- In the kitchen it can be used in salads, stews and even drinks. Chocolate is, its favorite friend. Because of its strong color and fragrance, it needs to be used conservatively.

- It has many medicinal uses, such as, soothe and heal insect bites, lavender oil works great with headaches (apply small amount to the temples.) In eye pillows, lavender seeds aid sleep and relaxation, check my website for purchasing your one-of-a-kind Lavender pillow. It also treats skin burns and cuts.

So why Lavender? well, it is considered one of the 5 most popular herbs in the world, so why not start using it and see what it can do for you.